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Saturday Kitchen a la caravan?! Part 2

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:09 pm
by Katzenjammer
Well James Martin (me, as JM is fine Yorkshire lad) and Gordon Ramsay (Pat, as he as foul mouthed :lol: ) went the whole hog this Saturday gone. Well almost. Mr's G now works in a butchers shop and provided us with sausages, bacon and black pudding - even better with staff discount! So we got the old frying pans into action on a lunchtime and knocked up a tasty fry up for lunch. There is no doubt that Mr Pig is a fine provider of choice cuts and suchlike products - a most versatile and worshipped animal :)

This was all a reward to ourselves for a morning of training a newbie to rimfires and shotguns. We packed him off before lunch mind :lol: I'm not sharing my grub with anyone! :mrgreen:

A lovely day all in all with plenty of snow still lying on the farm.

Re: Saturday Kitchen a la caravan?! Part 2

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:25 pm
by eboswan
Like james martin do you use huge amounts of butter in all your cooking.

Re: Saturday Kitchen a la caravan?! Part 2

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:31 pm
by Geordie
Katzenjammer wrote: Mr's G now works in a butchers shop

What!!!!! I thought she were a Greggs lass through and through :o

Speaking of dear old ma furnished me with a brace of Greggs Stotties today :D A finer "envelope"for bacon you won't find. ;)

Re: Saturday Kitchen a la caravan?! Part 2

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:39 am
by Katzenjammer
No we used a tiny bit of oil on this occasion just to get them started. I like James Martin, it's probably because his intonation is so familiar to me.

Well Gordon, Mrs G (Pat's superior half) has moved onwards and upwards to work for a famous chain of local butchers up in your neck of the woods. A move that suits me better tbh :lol: However saying that this is the first time I have sampled their goods. He keeps rabbiting on about their saveloys and pork pies but have I heckers seen sight or sound of one? Nah, the greedy Pit Yacker has probably scoffed them on his drive down to the permission. "That Yorkie Git is getting none of these" kind of thing. He couldn't eat the sausages etc as they were uncooked. I have to be honest and say that this move has saved his bacon so to speak. Frankly it is the only reason for me to keep him on the permission :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mind you a batch of Greggs sausage rolls scoffed down on a cold morning in Middlesbrough is a pleasant experience. I agree with you about the stotties - need a lot of bacon in mind and maybe a fried egg as well for a third texture ;)

Here on Teesside it is Newboulds that is the famous local butcher - their midget pork pies and saveloys are truly delicious. I think I need to purchase some and a selection of their sausages in order to compare them with the Tyneside offering. I don't know if Sunderland has a similar outlet so we can truly get the taste of the Tyne, Wear and Tees?

All this has made me hungry - scrambled egg on crumpets suit you? With butter of course :mrgreen: