Germany and immigrants.

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Germany and immigrants.

Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:35 pm

After berating the rest of Europe for not taking enough refugees/immigrants or whatever you want to call them, Germany is now going to enforce border controls and has stopped trains running from Austria. Have they just realised that the Fatherland is in danger of being swamped? Do they suddenly understand what everyone else has been saying? I feel sorry for genuine refugees but to my mind the majority are economic migrants and nothing else, countless thousands are being encouraged to come by those that have already arrived.
A man, his wife and children I can believe are fleeing from tyranny but all these single men in their 20s? Have they deserted their families? Isn't that the group that should stay to fight for their own country?
Further, what are the vastly wealthy Arab states doing to help their own people? How many refugees have been taken in by the likes of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia?
I can see this problem only getting worse until we reach a point that each member country will eventually say "enough" and completely shut and control their own borders leaving possibly millions of homeless and stateless people being stranded in limbo, unable to go where they want but equally unable to return to their homeland.
Any other predictions on what will happen?

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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:30 pm

I think that Germany has this attitude and stance towards immigrants as they are still trying to atone for the two world wars but especially for the latter. I don't trust a nation that is militant one minute and then after signing an unconditional surrender suddenly all pacifist and welcoming. The same goes for Japan.

Merk the jerk has suddenly realised or been told the error of her silly ways. What no one is reporting is the seething of the huge Neo-Nazi movement across Northern Europe. And they will get more militant and reactive if things aren't controlled. I don't know what wimpy UK will do or more particularly its residents. I know what I'm doing ;). I think though that when the crunch really comes the recruitment offices will be swamped as in the past.

Of course many are economic migrants. In the pub last week an old bloke at the next table said why aren't these able bodied young men and women fighting for their country and their beliefs like the Kurdish men and women? But there you have a partial answer to why other Arab states seem to be doing nothing - Sunni and Shi-ite divisions in what are really still medieval minds and states.

Like you tt I think that each country will close their borders, some already have or are trying to. No EU parliament can make them toe the line - the power of veto is sacrosanct whatever others may think.
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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:46 pm

the british propaganda machine is in full swing, portraying these people as being victims of tyranny, oppression, and only just managing to flee their war torn, and ravaged villages :shock:
nothing could be further from the truth, they've quite simply upped sticks and are heading to europe for a better quality of life, and admit this when interviewed by news reporters. we've also seen their behaviour in its full splendour when they cant get their own way and, or dont agree with the rules and laws of any country's they're passing through. we're led to believe that they're making perilous journeys, they're not, they're simply crossing a bit of sea 7 miles across, thats usually flat calm. many are ''FLEEING'' turkey where they've lived for 3 years.
footage of the body of the poor 3 year old kid who was washed up on the beach has been milked to death, and used unfairly to portray the so called plight of these people.
lets look at this incident in the cold light of day. the family was NOT fleeing their village for their own safety, because the father returned there the next day to bury his wife and 2 children who drowned. the news footage showed the 3 coffins loaded into a van and a huge crowd of mourners from the village. no sign of war and oppression, no buildings damaged by bombs and mortars, in fact it looked ok. then they interviewed the kids aunt who lived in canada, who said she'd sent them the money to pay for their journey.
what i cant get my head around is how the money was sent from canada to this blokes bank, surely the bank wouldnt be open for business in such a dangerous area, with a war, tyranny, and oppression going on all around, and if it was open, then this bloke would have to risk his life, dodging bombs and bullets to make a withdrawal. if the woman sent the money in an envelope, i cant see the local postman risking his life to deliver it.
the truth is, this bloke was an economic migrant, same as 99.999999 % of em, and if the do gooders want to get involved in his case, then prosecute him for the manslaughter of his family. he knew the risk involved, and any decent father wouldnt have put 2 little kids in such a dangerous position :x :x :x
interestingly, on the news last night was footage of a patrol boat stopping a family of migrants in a red speedboat that they'd paid $35,000 for, as they made their so called perilous 1 hour crossing of a perfectly flat calm sea.
we're been had for sure :roll:

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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:19 pm

bear with a sec here,- ahem,
in Saudi a couple of years ago, we were given a security talk by an ex SAS soldier who told us a few things,
there`s no such thing as `the muslim brotherhood` if your the `wrong kind` of muslim in the wrong place, you could be quite literally a dead man!
if we went into any middle east city/town/village & threw a handful of green cards (unhindered access to the US) the locals would claw one another to death to get their hands on them, most detest living in the no prospect, sharia law dustbowl dump their stuck in!
they are the most two faced culture people he`d ever met, one thing to your face with a smile, then stab you in the back in a heartbeat, & still smiling mind!

I agree with every word of pogue`s post, I said just t`other day at work, the father of `that` child should be strung up for putting his family in harms way, any father should put his life on the line if needs be to save his family, that he survived when they did not,- I won`t say what I called him.
I mentioned the first story above as I believe these people are treating the Syrian war as nothing more than an opportunity to move to countries built by our forefathers & us to give US a better place to live, IMO they`ll discover the child benefit lottery win & breed like rabbits, indeed, muslim women are treated (& made to believe) they are here for nowt more than providing children, the thought that they`ll get paid for it makes me shudder.
If I give anything to the PM, he is steadfastly refusing to open the floodgates to them, nice to know he`s good for something.
I`ve friend who owns a business in Germany, years ago he told me northern Germany was overrun with Estonians, Lithuanians & Polish, the local german children were being bullied & belittled at school because they cannot communicate with the refugees.
I truly hope Cameron sticks to his word & I watch with much anticipation as to how this plague will integrate peacefully, or as I believe, eventually complaining about how European culture does not fit with theirs.
Oh, & I`ve worked with Bahrainians, laziest people I ever met!
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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Tue Sep 15, 2015 6:41 pm

One of the things that worries me is this:

The attached image is of 'refugees' arriving off a train into Germany en mass. But look closely - where are the women and kids? This is a picture of young men, all of fighting age, dressed well, fed well, in good health and with mobile telephones. A year ago ISIS warned Europe that it would put it's fighters into our countries and commit atrocities. Call me suspicious if you like, but I now have to wonder how many of these so called refugees are in fact terrorists attempting to gain access to our homelands.
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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:01 pm

and so it begins..............the beginning of the end.......
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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:49 pm

It really is quite scary! Our lands will never be the same again. Bollox to this muli cultural integration nonsense. There are a few migrants who are happy to mix, alas for the most part they'll take over an area in a city and make it their own. The West end of Newcastle is virtually a none white area now. Its weird going over there and getting funny looks from the locals :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:04 pm

After watching the Battle of Britain Memorial today I decided we missed an opportunity of a lifetime!
We should be helping Germany with their refugees by giving them cash from our foreign aid budget.
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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:10 pm

Timmytree wrote:After watching the Battle of Britain Memorial today I decided we missed an opportunity of a lifetime!
We should be helping Germany with their refugees by giving them cash from our foreign aid budget.
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I watched that. Some fantastic camera work, Prince Harry is my favourite royal bar none!
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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:12 pm

My daughter and her Argentinian Spanish boyfriend are talking of going to live in South America - Argentina or Chile, if Spain gets too bad. He has an Argentinian Dad and a Chilean Mum. You know what? I might join them! Spain is under attack from wannabee migrants from the bit of Africa opposite them but has managed it better than us so far.
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