Germany and immigrants.

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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:02 pm

the only losers in this fiasco would be ''genuine'' asylum seekers :x
this lot arent genuine asylum seekers, but for some strange reason the media are going out of their way to convince us they are :?
on the news tonight the reporter was explaining the terrible ordeals that these people had gone through to get to the hungarian border, only to be met by nasty police and miles of razor wire. they claimed that these poor people had walked hundreds and hundreds of miles, sailed dangerous seas etc.
the cameras focused on a newborn baby, claiming it was born on the streets of greece 2 days ago. how the hell has this woman given birth to a baby in greece, and then made the 300 mile journey on foot to hungary in 2 days, somebody's kidding us here :lol:
i wonder if the reporters will be as keen to show us footage, if/when mob rule breaks out and criminal damage is caused to the fence and the police assaulted ????
while these economic migrants are trying to abuse the asylum system, the genuine asylum seeker will lose out :(

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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Wed Sep 16, 2015 12:02 am

they won`t fight to sort out their own country, but i`ll bet they`ll kill to get here, enough, shut the bloody doors

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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Wed Sep 16, 2015 2:40 pm

Big Dog wrote:One of the things that worries me is this:

The attached image is of 'refugees' arriving off a train into Germany en mass. But look closely - where are the women and kids? This is a picture of young men, all of fighting age, dressed well, fed well, in good health and with mobile telephones. A year ago ISIS warned Europe that it would put it's fighters into our countries and commit atrocities. Call me suspicious if you like, but I now have to wonder how many of these so called refugees are in fact terrorists attempting to gain access to our homelands.

My thoughts exactly, that view, as far as I know has not been mentioned on the media, we are playing right into their hands, me and my wife have had good lives but I really fear for our children and grandchildren and what awaits them :(
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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:39 pm

As expected, the so called "refugees" are now trying to storm the barriers put up by Hungary. How come they have access to loudhailers etc? Normal kit for people trying to flee their own country legally and with good reason? Middle East, Beirut behaviour because illegals can't go where they want.
I think being packed in cattle trucks for an overland journey back to Syria, Iraq or North Africa would be ideal, if every EU country chipped in it wouldn't cost a lot to sort the problem.

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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:06 pm

get the razor wire on the beaches , even at skeggy . :lol:

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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:26 pm

Timmytree wrote:As expected, the so called "refugees" are now trying to storm the barriers put up by Hungary. How come they have access to loudhailers etc? Normal kit for people trying to flee their own country legally and with good reason? Middle East, Beirut behaviour because illegals can't go where they want.
I think being packed in cattle trucks for an overland journey back to Syria, Iraq or North Africa would be ideal, if every EU country chipped in it wouldn't cost a lot to sort the problem.

agree, if we all chipped in as well, we could get that bit more diesel, and get them that little bit further away.

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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:45 pm

I pretty much said the same stuff as most people in this thread on a football forum I'm a member of. now I'm a racist pig that knows nothing about whats going on and according to them I am a nasty man for not welcoming these people with open arms. and the best part is I asked them if they would welcome a few traveller familys if they moved in near them ( I am a traveller myself ) and they said no way. they might leave a bit of rubbish when they leave. :lol:
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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:38 am

Don't forget that football is trying to supress its overt racism. Of course it still exist under the surface!

It isn't racist to say this country doesn't want unfettered immigration. Cameron has the message from the streets I think but Milliband and Labour barely had it and Corbyn even less. We are crowded into some 51000 square miles in England with some 52 million people. Scotland, Wales and N Ireland are underpopulated for their land mass - they can have them to bolster their populations. Especially Scotland given Sturgeon and Salmonds stance and trying to prick Camerons conscience. Also Scotland has less useful productive agricultural land compared to England, N Ireland and Wales so it can be used to built new bothies on. If the 20000 or so over the next four or five years are picked from the camps in Jordan we may have more chance of getting useful citizens and non-ISIS supporters?

Their attitude to travellers shows how two faced they are? Especially given the rubbish left across parts of Europe as the hordes pass through? All I want from native Brit or potential immigrant is someone who will accept our values and beliefs, live in peace and lawfulness, work for an honest living, pay their due taxes etc. If they can't fit those parameters then go away and that includes the lazy feckless white baby popping scroungers and other home grown trash we have bred ourselves!!!!!

And any tax dodging US corporation ;)
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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:14 pm

well the news reporters are keeping up their deceitful, shameful, and totally misleading propaganda, but why aren't they reporting the truth, and who has told them to give such a blatantly biased view to the british public :x :x
they repeatedly tell us they're going to germany, which is propaganda speak for ''they're coming here''. most of the bogus refugees interviewed said they wanted to get to england. the germans have encouraged a million to head north, but they wont resettle them, as they're already making noises about distributing them amongst other eu members. basically france and germany will have a couple of thousand between em, and t'other 998,000 will be equally distributed amongst england. they will more than likely be taken by buses to calais and the normandy beaches, and be simply ''allowed'' to do what hitler couldnt, invade this island fortress, as mr churchill called it.
''all the young men of syria are either fighting, or they've been killed'' claimed the reporter as he showed a few women and children boarding a train through the doors. the camera then showed hundreds of young men, who are supposedly dead or fighting in syria, jumping the queue by climbing through the windows to get on the train before the women and kids :shock: the same reporter then stated that ''these young men are fleeing because they will be conscripted into the army''.
the camera then showed loads of migrants walking across a field to cross the border, clearly stating that these people were desperately fleeing war and poverty, calling it a remarkable journey, and clearly implying that these people had made the journey on foot, were cold, hungry, thirsty, and in desperate need of humanitarian aid.
why dont these propaganda peddling reporters tell the truth, that these people are leaving safe countries where they've been residing for 3 years, that they havent walked hundreds of miles, that they in fact have had free train and bus rides, and that any walking is simply between transport. that they were so cold that they were all wearing t shirts and complaining of temperatures in the 30's, and that they were so hungry and thirsty that they put food and water in their bags or threw it away :o
they all look fit and healthy to me, clean, well dressed, mobile phones, some of the young men are sporting smart haircuts complete with hair gel :lol: :lol:
we're being had over on this one :x

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Re: Germany and immigrants.

Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:27 am

Cowards fleeing the battle used to be shot :|

Did I mention that I'm the only one to have attended EVERY meet since we started

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