the NRA

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Re: the NRA

Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:48 pm

the USA tell us they go to war to make the world a safer place. then the NRA in America say you should take a gun to church for your own safety. am I missing something here. :?
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Re: the NRA

Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:57 pm

Axelr wrote:
wezdavo wrote:
Axelr wrote:Well I live in Canada so we have a bit of a Nanny state of our own. Not as bad as you guys though. However, if you feel that you're safer because you allow you're gov't to disarm you and make your decisions for you, well you should take a history lesson.

The vast majority of people in North America are not paranoid and feel they need a gun to be safe. However, we at least have the option of deciding for ourselves. "Pal"

I don't need a history lesson and I am free to make my own decisions..

I am free to go and get a section 1 fac no problem... Although I would never need it for protection or to help me sleep at night...


I know its hard for you to understand but over here you really don't need a gun to feel safe..... Does that sound strange? If it does maybe you still have a lot to learn...

Do you think you are at war? And if so who with?

What's with the hostility? I'm just presenting a different point of view from this side of the pond. If you're just looking for a fight maybe it's a good thing they don't let you have to many guns over there. Haha.

Hostile? I am sorry if it came across that way mate not what I was trying to be at all, just asking a few questions and having a bit of crack..

Your right about the bad teeth a warm beer tho Haha ;)

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Re: the NRA

Sun Jun 21, 2015 12:04 am

Axelr wrote:yes I certainly won't disagree that that was a very stupid thing to say and like I said I think the NRA's views are a bit extreme but on a whole I think what they stand for is a good thing. Saying that all members of the NRA are idiots is akin to claiming all Brits have bad teeth or like warm beer. (That's not actuall true is it? Lol)

well they cant be that smart if Charlton Heston and this dick head are spokesman for them.
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Re: the NRA

Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:36 am

We used to have quite relaxed firearms laws in the U.K.

It's not all about people shooting one another it's mainly about Governments being frightened that the populace can be armed. The greatest restrictions have taken place in 1988 and 1997. Both due to licenced shooters running amok. In both cases the Police were warned about the individuals by their gun clubs. In Hamiltons case twice. The legislation that ensued was a knee jerk reaction and the taking of the opportunity that presented itself to further tighten already restrictive legislation.

There was little talk of banning white vans when that bloke ran amok in Cardiff (?) trying to kill people with one. To much inconvenience.

The recent shooting in the USA will be taken advantage of by both sides of the "Gun" argument to bolster their position and that's sad. Better that sympathy is shown for those who died.
Perhaps we should have more relaxed legislation regarding guns in the U.K. Are we to be trusted less that other Nationalities ?

Last edited by raygun on Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: the NRA

Sun Jun 21, 2015 12:19 pm

I feel we have been here before regarding gun ownership and the rights to use one, i have my own thoughts which i wont be sharing with you guys

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Re: the NRA

Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:16 pm

I knew this post was like chucking a hand grenade into this forum, ahem!
the NRA are like the BASC AFAIC, they want to include every gun owner/hunter & tell them they`re all connected & should stand up for one another so you (we) should all stick together for all our rights as gun owners (just loosing up now)
I have never & never will be associated with anyone who
a- shoots an ASSAULT WEAPON
b- uses dogs to hunt-anything
gun ownership, like pest control, is either acceptable or not depending on individuals opinions.
owning an assault rifle is not what the second amendment was for-it was actually (& I`m not joking here) for fighting the English if they ever came back, & for controlling the indigenous people of N America in case they ever fought back as their land & rights were stripped away from them!
as long as `baddies` have guns, the goodies need guns to repel them,
Hmm, simple solution there me thinks!
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Re: the NRA

Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:45 pm

Yes, there is little talk of banning white vans, but the driver of that van must be licensed to drive it legally.
Outside of machine guns and silencers, which are licensed to individuals by our federal government, many states and municipalities allow unrestricted access to unlimited numbers of firearms to citizens who do not have a felony criminal record and have declared themselves sane. The transfer of said firearms are recorded when sold through a dealer, but transfer between individuals is largely uncontrolled.
In my opinion, our problem in the states is the millions of guns floating around freely, and our resistance to regulating and tracking them.
Many gun owners here in the states fear that any regulation, no matter how minor, will eventually lead to the outright ban of certain classes of, or all firearms.
I used to own quite a few firearms, but I found it increasingly difficult to support a system that has led to so much hardship, death, and misery. I have traded them off for airguns. I disagree with the statement that the government is afraid of an armed populace. This suggests that the populace should be free to vote with their guns. Some americans on the fringe believe in the armed resistance to the government, but honestly I find these people pretty darned creepy.
You have to realize that the US is going through a difficult period in which the dreams of the post war era have evaporated, replaced by the reality of economic and intellectual stagnation. Lots of americans are frustrated and some are downright fed up.

raygun wrote:We used to have quite relaxed firearms laws in the U.K.

It's not all about people shooting one another it's mainly about Governments being frightened that the populace can be armed. The greatest restrictions have taken place in 1988 and 1997. Both due to licenced shooters running amok. In both cases the Police were warned about the individuals by their gun clubs. In Hamiltons case twice. The legislation that ensued was a knee jerk reaction and the taking of the opportunity that presented itself to further tighten already restrictive legislation.

There was little talk of banning white vans when that bloke ran amok in Cardiff (?) trying to kill people with one. To much inconvenience.

The recent shooting in the USA will be taken advantage of by both sides of the "Gun" argument to bolster their position and that's sad. Better that sympathy is shown for those who died.
Perhaps we should have more relaxed legislation regarding guns in the U.K. Are we to be trusted less that other Nationalities ?


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