premission through free paper ads?

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Re: premission through free paper ads?

Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:46 pm

The only permissions you might possibly get through paper ads might ..... And this is a long shot - is probably private gardens. The fields are fiercely sought and actively canvassed for permission by face to face applicants.
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Re: premission through free paper ads?

Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:36 am

Guys I'm in no way suggesting that I would put a ad in a papper :? I agree with what's been said face to face is the the way to go. I was just curious if anyone had done it this way and was successful,as I said I'm sceptical that any farmer/land owners would allow a stranger to rock up and start shooting .
This is how I do it
Knock on doors (face to face Is the key)
with Insurance. (with BASC)
I always dress in "normal clothing" not camouflage to inquire
I have cards to hand
I have my permission slips ready (I keep them in the car at all times ) as said if you see a place crawling with vermin you can knock and inquire and your ready to go,,, if your lucky enough to get a yes

The most important thing is patients because your going to get more no's than yes's but if you want the promise land then you gotta put in the hard work .

That's jus how I do it , each to ther own .
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Re: premission through free paper ads?

Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:40 pm

you will be surprised how many farmers will say yes, because its free ,
they like that,
and you can offer to give them any rabbits also , or find a bird club that will take any kills for their hawks / owls / falcons etc , they may also put you in touch with other land owners they know,
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