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Shocking hunt!!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:39 am
by Gixxerboy
I'm not really one for posting about my hunting trips as normally I forget to take any pictures but remembered to take a couple so thought I'd have a crack at a hunting story as this one was one to remember. Well it was for me anyway. You judge how you like.. ;) ;)

Well tonight I was up at one of my permissions again as the farmer has asked me to sort out some foxes for him. We know there are one vixen and three cubs at least as they were spotted by a mate of mine as he was driving past one evening. Last week I got one of the cubs and last night I got another both with the .22LR. Now we not talking kitten sized cubs here but more of a teenager/juvenile size.


Well tonight I thought I'd take the HMR with me and after a quick zero check I wandered down the field that runs parallel with the field I got last nights cub in. I went further down than last night so as to be downwind of where last nights cub came from. I found myself a nice little vantage point where I could stand and lean against the wall for support and found a nice little moss covered bit of wall to rest and shoot the HMR from.


Ok so I stood and waited and watched for about 20-25 mins in case I'd spooked anything on my walk down and it was just starting to lose a bit of light and I was under the trees which made my position a bit darker too but the open fields were good visibility wise but nothing stirred so I got my squeaker (Acme 504 Rabbit Squeal) out my pocket and put it in my mouth. I cupped my hands against my mouth and gave a few blasts of squeals for about 45 seconds and slowly faded it out as if the bunny was giving up the ghost. I rested for a few minutes then started again. I had just been going about ten seconds when up onto the wall just in front of me jumped this bloody fox. I FECKIN POOPED MY PANTS!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
I jumped backwards and swore out loud which made me spit out my squealer. The fox must have pooped his pants too cos he spun round on the wall and shot off like a scalded cat along the wall bottom into the rough stuff and just disappeared out of sight. I never had time or composure to grab the rifle instead I just stood there and cracked up laughing then got on my hands and knees to find the squealer.
If you look at the picture below in the top left corner to the right of the tree, if you can zoom in, you can just see the wall in the distance that I was expecting them to come over about 100yds away. Where the red arrow is is the actual spot the bloody thing did appear from. Believe me it was closer than it looks... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


After I had composed myself I took a wander and managed to bag a couple of bunnies but forgot to take any pics of those.. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Shocking hunt!!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:35 am
by Blackbaronfish
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I know what you felt as I have had a fox walk out of a hedge into my path.Ive not had one play peekaboo though :shock: :mrgreen:
Get yourself a stiff drink :mrgreen: Great read 8-)


Re: Shocking hunt!!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:41 am
by eboswan
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: that's one hunt you wont forget in a hurry :lol: :lol:
lucky you spat the squeaker could have sucked in :lol: it would have been like having a conversation with sooty :lol: :lol:

Re: Shocking hunt!!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:50 pm
by granville
great read and good too get fox,paul.
atb paul.

Re: Shocking hunt!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:51 pm
by Geordie
That would have given me the heebie geebies mate :? :o :?
It don't take much to set me off when out alone in the field at night :oops: :lol:

Well done on the littlun though Paul 8-) :)

Re: Shocking hunt!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:39 pm
by Gixxerboy
Thanks lads. Yeh I must admit G that you do tend to hear some strange noises when out alone at night. Biggest scare I get is when your skulking quietly along the tree line and a few pigeons suddenly take flight from the tree they're roosting in. Normally when your right below em too... :shock: :shock:
Was hoping to get back up for the others this week but not been possible upto now but they saying the weather maybe improving tomorrow so hopefully out tomorrow evening. Done a bit of fiddling with the HMR trigger too so hoping to test that.

Re: Shocking hunt!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:50 pm
by poguemahone
nice shot there paul 8-)
oh and always expect the unexpected when you're least expecting it :lol:

Re: Shocking hunt!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:00 pm
by eboswan
agree with paul pigeons bursting from they`re roost does make you jump :lol: and walking up to a badger in long grass can make you jump when it runs off snorting as loud as it can :lol:

Re: Shocking hunt!!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:56 pm
by Geordie
I was once given the finger off a rampant hedgehog! :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: I wasn't aware they made much of a fuss until I strayed across this "Stud"making a right old growling noise one night/early morn on the golf course. :?

Re: Shocking hunt!!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:39 pm
by Gixxerboy
We had hedgehogs humping on the patio one night when our bedroom window was open. Woke my Mrs up. Of course I got the nudge and "There's summat going off outside. Have a look" and it was bloody hedgepigs shagging. Right racket too. Mind you it can't be comfortable for the male having that many pricks at you in one go can it... :shock: :shock:

Well been up again tonight and bagged another juvenile fox and three bunnies. Think it was the little one that scared the carp out of me last week. I waited after I'd shot it for a good half hour and a couple more bunnies came out chasing each other and disappeared back over the wall and I was starting to lose the light when another came running up the field towards the dead bunnies that I'd shot earlier. I'd just got the rifle up onto the wall and as I adjusted my position to track it, it spotted me and veered off to its right into the cover of the trees. Not sure if it was the vixen, another juvenile or a different one altogether as it happened a little too quick but I'll hopefully get up there again tomorrow and try again.
Usual trick I'm afraid, forgot the pics.