Just wanted some pigeons!

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Just wanted some pigeons!

Sun Apr 19, 2015 5:53 am

Well for tea yesterday I made up a load of those pigeon sausage rolls (Mathew Manning recipe) and they were gorgeous and the kids loved them. So lets see if I can get a few more pigeons in the evening.

Left the house at 7pm and walked up to the copse and was settled by ten past:


Sat within range of the big old warrens but was really after the pigeons and so was not worried that I was upwind of the burrows. When I arrived half a dozen woodies left so I hoped more would be coming in. Covered myself up leant against a tree and pulled a small camo net over me. After 20 minutes a rabbit came out so as there were no pigeons in yet I slowly eased the sticks round to squeeze off a shot and drop him instantly at 25 yds.

A further quarter of an hour and a cock pheasant comes strutting in knowing full well that he was out of season he proceeds to taunt me from 20yds in full view. For the rest of the evening he would constantly be around me so obviously the camo was doing its job.

Then two pigeons came winging in. Unfortunately from my current position the mass of branches was going to make a shot a challenge. Gave them five minutes to settle and then slowly eased the rifle and sticks round. Tried to work out a clear shot through but as expected all I was met with was the crack of pellet on wood and the sound of fleeing pigeons.

Getting darker now so settled back down as there was still time. Out to my left I caught sight of movement and spied a rabbit at 30 yrds so slowly eased round steadied myself and sent the AA Field on its way, a satisfying thwack and number two was in the bag.

Now the light was fading fast in the copse so anything at ground level would be hard to see. Tried to make out anything against the dark background and many times what looked rabbit like was merely fallen branches and tussocks playing tricks on my eyes.

It was however great just being there sat quietly with the various creatures going about their business. The songbirds were getting a last song in and woodmice and shrews ran around in the dry leaves around me. Then a roe deer slowly strolled by completely oblivious to my presence just as I heard the sound of a pigeon's wings whistling in. I knew he was close and so waited well over five minutes before I slowly moved my head upwards to spy his silhouette just 10 yrds above me through the branches. His head was bobbing around trying to see any danger before settling down to preen. As I moved the rifle round the cock pheasant came slowly up towards me so I needed to be quick or he would alert the pigeon to my presence. The mass of twigs would be an issue again and also with him being so close focusing was difficult. Took the shot and was once again disheartened to hear pellet on wood.

Well that would be it so picked up the rabbits and headed out only to find five woodies sat at the bottom of the copse in a sparse tree so will need to remember this for next time.


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Re: Just wanted some pigeons!

Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:59 am

Just typical of a hunting session. It never goes to plan but makes every trip out different 8-)
Nice read 8-)

Did I mention that I'm the only one to have attended EVERY meet since we started

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Re: Just wanted some pigeons!

Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:55 pm

its always nice to put something in the bag even if its not what you went for .
great read .

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Re: Just wanted some pigeons!

Sun Apr 19, 2015 2:29 pm

my first day on my my perm` recently, reminded me of 20 years back, I`d more `the one that got away` tales in a week than most anglers will amass in a lifetime, that`s airgun hunting!
nice read.
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