How do you calculate your efficiency?

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How do you calculate your efficiency?

Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:35 pm

So, on many forums people post pictures of their full bags of dead quarry or even posing pictures of themselves with lots of dead critters. That's fine and I dont judge. Its not for me. You cant take pictures of the ones you spooked and missed.

You might bring 10 rabbits home, but what if you saw 40, and spooked 30 - does that mean you're being effective? I just wondered how many of you view your effectiveness in the field?

Over the last 3 nights, on one permission I've seen about 10 separate rabbits. I've shot at 8 of them. I've hit and bagged 6 of them (totally missed two sitters...very embarasing :oops: ). I spooked 2 of them (stepped on loud cracking fallen branches etc) without getting a shot off. I think this gives a better indicator of my efficiency than just a picture....i clearly need to keep an eye on branches when stalking.....I use these numbers to help provide indicators on how I need to improve. What about you? Ever thought of the ratio between what you bring home versus what you missed / spooked? It can be more humbling..... ;)
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Re: How do you calculate your efficiency?

Fri Apr 15, 2016 11:58 am

I would say your not far of the mark....shooting more and spooking less.
I don't miss much as I ensure I am in a rock steady shooting position but If missing I'll check zero, I set for windage indoors when the house is empty.
To reduce spooking where possible I glass the land before I start which gives me an early view of potential targets, a good idea where most of the rabbits are and stops me blundering in and starbursting them. It also enables me to formulate a cunning plan.

Generally lack of efficiency = cockups = lost opportunities.
So I suppose a reduction in mistakes could be a measure of efficiency.
We kick ourselves when we **** up but after a while I look back and giggle. Part of hunting going I suppose.

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Re: How do you calculate your efficiency?

Fri Apr 15, 2016 2:17 pm

Efficiency is based on the farmer not moaning your not doing a good enough job ;) :mrgreen:

Did I mention that I'm the only one to have attended EVERY meet since we started

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Re: How do you calculate your efficiency?

Fri Apr 15, 2016 5:04 pm

Do you mean efficient per your thread title, or effective per the way you illustrate with examples? (two related but, different topics) either way you have scope (excuse pun) to develop, like us all.
But, why be concerned?, if you are not wounding animals then just be out and about and enjoy. If you need / desire statistics then consider target disciplines, there is already too much subjectivity there let alone with hunting, whose yardstick and with what criteria of variables are you going to measure?.
Keep the ranges sensible, if in doubt don't take the shot and thus help to keep the current freedom of the sport alive for others to enjoy in the future.
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Re: How do you calculate your efficiency?

Fri Apr 15, 2016 6:00 pm

When everything that needs too be dead is dead ;) ;)
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Re: How do you calculate your efficiency?

Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:39 pm

8 shots 8 rats frightened to death . :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
or lead in the head .

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Re: How do you calculate your efficiency?

Sat Apr 16, 2016 10:36 pm

Personally, I'm happy if I get clean kills at the ranges I hunt at (efficiency is a different matter and is dependent on the parameters you are considering). If I shoot a rabbit at 45/50 yards, the pellet strikes my point of aim and it's a clean kill I would consider that an efficient shot, the same goes for any shot at any range. The thing I hate about this game is that there is no such thing as a clean miss at any range, if you go for a brain shot and the pellet lands in the grass over bugs' head it could have just as easily been a wounding shot. I'd sooner take what some folks might call an unsporting shot these days and be certain I'll hit the off switch! As I say I hate missing purely because it means I'm not in control of the poi, unfortunately it's a part and parcel of the game and we all have to be prepared to deal with it :( when all is said and done it's the reason that I suspect we all fire hundreds of pellets off at paper for each single one at our quarry ;)
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