one for the oldies

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one for the oldies

Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:39 pm

if your under the age of 45 you probably won`t get this, sorry!
the following is a true story from over 30 years ago.
me & 4 other mates are having a drink in Malcy`s flat one night, we`re playing trivial pursuits, dunno if all of you have had a go at TP, but it`s dammed difficult! several hours later some had a bit of cheese, some two, others 3 so- one more to win! not only does Malcy not have a wee plastic triangle, he hasn`t answered one question correctly yet, his only knowledge is sport -read football -read Glasgow celtic, anytime he gets a sports question it`s like "who won the ladies 100m final in 1972 Olympics" like I said, it`s a ruddy hard game, anyhoo, Malcy (by now half cut) eventually loses the plot & declares the game over as he fails to answer the latest question directed at him, but as we are
(a) enjoying the game (b) enjoying Malcy`s humiliation & (c) trying to win the damm game (d) 3 sheets to the wind ourselves, we`ve been at it around 4 hrs ATP so, he`s roundly shouted down! my mate Terry tells him we`ll give him a clue on the next question, it`s indelibly burned into my memory this, ahem,
"Righto Malcy, what world famous moment occurred 20th July 1969" have a think lads?
anyhoo, Malcy looks like a constipated smeagol ATP, then screams, "you said you`d give us a clue, ye said a clue, go on, geez a clue"
Terry reading the card looks at him & go`s Doo Roo Doo Do Doooooooo the five note tune from Close Encounters, Malcy sits back, snaps his fingers & with a look on his face like "why didn`t you say that in the first place!"
I swear I almost vomited from laughing so hard! & that was the end of that as the board got booted high in the air!
the answer is the 1st moon landing!
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